lunes, 25 de mayo de 2009

Freedom: Subjective

When Gulliver signed his contract to become free he didn't realize that his freedom had now become dependant. He wasn't really free, he was a servant now, still he says that he was at "full liberty". After being chained such a long time, the new liberties he has seem as all he could need, but the truth is he is still dependant on the Lilliputants. To be able to acquire these freedoms he had to accept some conditions. The Lilliputants obviously took advantage of the situation and forced him to do things that would benefit them. For example, they got him to find their perimiter and to make reports on things that would have taken them much more time to accomplish. They also took advantage of their "man-mountain" by using him as a weapon. "6th, He shall be our ally against our enemies in the island of Blefuscu, and do his outmost to destroy their fleet, which is now preparing to invade us." (p.29) This, in my opinion is a very good strategy because they are making Gulliver as if he were free but they are actually manipulating him. He now owes them his alliance and help and he will have to keep his side of the treaty.

If you think about it, it is ridiculous that Gulliver is accepting that treaty since he experienced much more liberty before . He used to live in England, where he could do whatever he wanted. Yes, he had to respond to the government and follow the law, but he could practically do whatever he wants. Actually as I think about it, he actually was kind of restricted in the same way. We all are, we have to get passports to leave the country, Gulliver needed permission to be granted. We also have to protect others and support our country during war, we have to be careful with the things that belong to others and must, in every way we can help our country. Still, I believe that we are brainwashed into believing that this is what a good citizen is and this is what we have to do to help our country, so we do it out of our own merit. Gulliver, instead has to do it to be able to avoid getting chained.

3 comentarios:

J. Tangen dijo...


J. Tangen dijo...


J. Tangen dijo...

Your comments however are on point.