jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009

Looking At Life From Different Eyes

May 5, 2009
By just reading the title Seize the Day, one can already see that this story will have some life lessons and it will probably inspire the reader to live life at its maximum and enjoy it as much as possible. Only with the title one knows that the writing style will be very different from the one in Cathedral. It will lead people to look at the positive aspect in life while Cathedral leads you to think that everything will go wrong and that there is nothing you can do to avoid it. In this story, instead, Wilhelm feels out of place like many of Carvers characters did, but what I guess will happen is that in Wilhelm’s case, things will get better and he will teach the reader, through his thoughts and actions how to become a better person and enjoy everything life has given us. He will show that we are all capable of getting through hard moments in life and he will probably do this by showing us how similar we really are. Because one thing is for sure, we are all humans and we well all live through emotions such as happiness, joy, sadness, pain, grief, hope, disappointment. So we should all really understand one another and help one another when we have problems. As humans we sometimes forget that we have to help each other out and that is what we should do, we should get in one another’s shoes and do everything that is possible to get through hard moments, or celebrate together happy moments. It’s really all up to us and the way we want to interpret life, so we better do it in a way that is beneficial to us, in a way that will help us rise instead of fall. I would probably say that Saul Bellow is much happier with his life than what Carver is and they are each sharing their opinion in life and it is up to us to choose how to deal with. Except, who knows, maybe Carter is happy and is concentrated on dullness to try to experience this feeling and Bellow writes about taking advantage of every possibility to see if he is able to take his own advice and apply this attitude in life.

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