jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009

Writing Styles

April 27, 2009
While reading A Simple Soul By Gustave Flaubert after reading so many short stories by Raymond Carver, it was really easy for me to tell some of the differences in writing style. It was obvious, as a starter that Flaubert described much more every situation and gave detail on all that was happening at all moments while Carver was pretty concise. In general, I didn’t tend to concentrate so much on style, I liked to focus much more on the content. I think that was obvious as we first started working on the “signifying nothing” theme. It forced me to start identifying styles and actually appreciating them. Now that I think about it, I understand why it came that I liked some stories while I didn’t really enjoyed reading the book, or why I liked some books so much while I didn’t really like the story. It was due to style and content. I now read this short stories focusing much more on the styles and I have therefore identified some of the characteristics of the authors, while before, I tended to just read the story and not really think about the style while I was reading. Maybe at the end I just commented on the general form of writing of the author and reach a conclusion on the idea that I either liked the way in which the author wrote or not.
That is one thing I really like about this class: it has forced me to focus on things I didn’t used to. If I compare myself with many of my classmates I can tell some of them already had the tendency to analyze and like close read and focus much more on the writing that I did. I really just used to read very superficially many books and now I feel like I’m actually getting more of what the author is trying to transmit to the reader. I also feel as if I have improved my writing abilities and this gets me really happy because I have also developed a better “taste” for writing. I usually prefer to read than to write but I have been enjoying writing much more lately. Plus, other than for just enjoyment I’m really glad I have improved because when I took the PSAT exam, it suggested that the areas that I had to work most on where on reading comprehension and writing so I hope to see a big improvement on my next year’s results.

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