jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009


May 12
This painting by Miro uses mostly colors and shapes to give life. When looking at it, I feel happy and actually like curious towards life. It takes some time realizing what the overall picture is but as you identify each individual figure, you get to admire the way in which shape are put together. The emphasis is mostly in the persons head and then goes towards the guitar. As you look closely you identify that the persons face is actually formed by a worm-eating bird. Other animals are also found. The deformed dog, horse and cat are present along with the ducks and other birds outside of the window that aren’t so important. I guess that the size of the animals affects on how important Miro considers them. According to this, the horses would be really important, and then would come the dogs and lastly the cats. The birds however I wonder how important they are for him. Some are outside the window which makes it seem they aren’t very important while he uses one to create the human face so it gains importance. There is also a squirrel and other shapes that help give the picture life and happiness. The guitar probably shows his spirit towards art and it shows that he likes art and agrees with its form of expression and life.
Another reason why the horse, person and dog are highlights is due to their color. Since these are the biggest spaces, other than the floor and wall, and these are the lightest areas because they are white. Also the lines of the walls, floor, and window lead the attention towards the face of the person. I really enjoy looking at this picture because it kind of has humor and makes you kind of smile when you look at it.

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