jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009

The Watch And The Son

April 23, 2009
While reading the story I arrived to the conclusion that Carver was comparing Myers son with the wrist watch he had bought him. If you think about it, Myer had begun a relationship with a woman and had his son with good intentions, or at least I’m supposing so. Later on his relationship with his son died after a fight and they had eventually parted from one another after such a terrible experience. After some years Myer felt as if he wanted to meet his son once more, he had taken the first step at trying to reach him and now he would go ahead and reach back. However as he made his trip to get to his son, he realized that that wasn’t what he wanted, that his son was actually someone he didn’t want to meet once more since he considered him his “enemy” and still felt some grudge on him. So, at the end, he didn’t meet him. He arrived to the meeting point and never got off the train. Something similar happened with the watch.
Myers chose to buy his son a wrist watch in Rome while he was there. He bought it as a present, as a little something to give him when they met. However, on the way lost it. Actually it got stolen from him. Obviously annoyed for getting robbed, Myers tried to find the thief and get his watch back. After looking for it in some compartments, and trying to get information out of the man who was sleeping and sharing his compartment, and after having no success, he gave up. He just went back to compartment and annoyed started thinking about his situation. In my opinion these two subjects relate because Myer got a son and a watch, then he lost both, after that he tried to make it up (went to meet him and looked for the watch in all of the compartments) and lastly he gave up, he realized he didn’t really wanted to see his son and he accepted that he would never find his watch. I guess that what the author was doing was that he was trying to get his feelings about his son across to the reader through the whole watch situation. The reader gets to feel Myers anger and frustration when he is trying to find the watch and one can relate them to the uncomfortable feeling his having due to the encounter with his son. Myers always will wonder what happened to that watch and he will want to know who stole it, at the end he believes it was the man with whom he had shared the compartment but suspicions aren’t enough to give the fact. He will also wonder if his son went to meet him, he won’t know for sure if he did go because he never got off the train and he didn’t see him in the station but he once more believes he will be waiting, however, once more his hypothesis is not enough to prove the fact and we will never know what happened with the son. Or with the watch.

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