jueves, 21 de mayo de 2009

California- USA- The world: We Are All Living The Crisis


A common problem that is currently worrying the whole world it the economic crisis we are finding ourselves in. Many countries and companies have been greatly affected by it and even people lifestyles have been changing. It has been proved, through surveys, that people are no longer, traveling, shopping and spending as much as they used to. This is the "selfish gene" kicking in and having each person do the best they can to survive. So each person is now taking the measures they consider necessary to survive but they also depend on others, this is not a circumstance that is controlled by one but by all and what one does affects all. Because of this, people rest their trust in their leaders, in their presidents and governors and those who are supposed to help make things better. However, these leaders are, like us, humans and sometimes manage things wrongly. Paul Krugman, wrote an OP-ED in the New York Times where he criticizes Californians, and their way of reacting towards the whole situation.
He blames both the people and the governor for their current state and he expresses his concern on this significance. He is worried that the United States, as a nation will follow California's mistakes and just like them, find that they are incapable of escaping this problem. Due to old laws, California is unable to raise taxes and get the money they need in order to keep going in good conditions. He believes that by raising all taxes a bit, California, and even the United States would be able to avoid much of the crisis and get back on track.
Krugman is trying to warn the United States of a big mistake and he is complaining about the nations leaders and he is even insinuating they are cowards since he says they "fled" when the problem arouse and they haven't been able to fix what they have in their hands. So even though he based his article on just one state, he ends it by getting us to realize that California is undergoing what all of the United States are under going and that we shouldn't follow them, but instead learn from their mistakes and correct them.

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