domingo, 28 de octubre de 2007

Ruling Justly

“…He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God.” Samuel 23:3
This quote captured my attention while reading because it makes me think of how someone just has always been looked for but never found, and how God would supposedly subconsciously be really the one ruling. It is said that this person would rule by fearing god, in other word that he would do what he think god would not punish him for but then, even though God is supposed to have expressed what it is he wants through the bible, each person thinks god wants something different. The general idea everyone gets but then the details is what each person adapts to their own. It also happens that every person will get a different interpretation even from the own bible.
Ruling justly is something that will never be able to be agreed by every single person. This happens because every human being on earth has different opinions and are not equally satisfied. So how could god ever expect to be a just ruler, of course there are some that have been more responsible and equal with their power but having everyone happy is something that will never happen. What one person considers just, another might not and this is why these two will never share these ideas. That’s why ruling is so hard, because everyone wants and expects something different.

1 comentario:

J. Tangen dijo...

You certainly bring up good points about ruling. That seems to be at the core of this book. One question: where are the other readings?


fearing God.
their own Bible?