lunes, 22 de octubre de 2007

Moses in Egypt

Through out my reading I have come to see a "darker" side of God when it comes to the way he treats people. He manipulates Moses and the Pharaoh to do what is convenient for him and he doesn’t care about what happens to the Egyptians as long as the Israelites are well and all he wants is to prove that he is the greatest of all and that no one can dare put it to doubt or they will suffer. God also manipulates the Pharaoh when it comes to letting the Jesuits out so it makes you doubt what it is that he really wants, why didn’t he just control the pharaoh into letting the Jesuits leave from the beginning? Wouldn’t it have been much easier? It also came up to mi mind why it he chose the plagues that he put to Egypt why those and not any other? It also confuses me when it comes to understand why it is that god is acting this way. Throughout my life I have been taught that God is a good person that only does good but when I come to think about what we have read so far, God is constantly punishing humans, and even though it might be because humans are sinners and because they deserve a punishment, he is still making it greater than what it should be due to the circumstance. This makes me think why it was that the idea of god came to change after the New Testament. I also wonder why it is that all Egyptians cam eto be punished when it was only the pharaoh that was difying Gods power, even thouigh they might have been mistreating the Jesuits, it was still on orders. And why was Moses chosen if he did one of the worsts sins, he killed a man. I also come to wonder why it is that the movies done and the stories told to little kids exclude Aaron from the story when he, too, is a very important character in the story? any way, reading the bible has brought many new questions to my head and it has made me change some of my ideas about it.

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