martes, 2 de octubre de 2007

Nisus and Scylla, Echo and Narcissus, Hero and Leander, and Clyte.

Love does not always bring the expected results. Love is supposed to make a person happy and enjoy life but it will sometimes become a way of suffering. In Nisus and Scylla, Scylla falls in love with her father’s enemy and betrays his father just to be able to be with his lover. Still what she felt was unreturned love and so Minos, her lover, does not accept her due to her dishonest action of betrayal. It is then so that she is left suffering for her lover while he sails away, it also occurs that her father then finds about her doings and follows her for revenge. This leaves Scylla without any love, not her father’s love, and not her lovers love, she is left behind on her own, grieving and suffering. In Echo and Narcissus Juno punishes Echo for helping the nymphs hide their affair with Juno´s husband. While being punished with only being able to have the last word, Echo falls in love with Narcissus, but he feels no love in return and so rejects her. Clyte, too, is a victim of unreturned love, she falls in love with Apollo but he pays her no attention. Following with her gaze Apollo every day, coming out as the sun, Clyte is soon turned into a sunflower, the flower that is always facing Apollo in it form of sun. In hero and Leander though, the lovers love is from both parties and even though they have to fight the sea every night to see each other, their love is so strong, that they don’t care how many obstacles they have to get through as long as they are together in the end. This is why when Leander dies, Hero gives her body to the sea and drowns to be with him.

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