domingo, 21 de octubre de 2007

The message

Even thougn I am a Christian, I have never been a very dedicates one. My parents are not very religious, and therefore influenced me in many of my current beliefs. I believe in god and his capability of making things happen. I also believe the fact that jesus was gods son. What i dont believe in is in some of the ways in which the church takes advantege of peoples faith and use it for their own benefit. Through history the church has been very currupt and how can we know that it is not currently corrupted? I also believe that the most important in any jind of religion is not prayer, I believe that one can communicate with god whenever they want, I even think God constantly knows what is going on in your head. I also think that when you want to confess you dont have to do it through a bishop, you can do it with yourself, as long as you understand what it is that you did wrong and you put your mind into never doing it again, then you can be calm and realize that you confessed, its just you did it in a different way.

Since we begun to read the bible I have been constantly thinking about all these things. About the fact that one really doesnt need to go to church to understand what is going on. I for example have understood most of it and as long as I get the message that is being tried to get through everything is ok. Right now in the chapters we had to read for today I understood about Abraham, about Ishmael, about Lot, etc. What does come to my mind though is tha fact that i perfectly understan the literal meaning of what is being told but i do wonder sometimes what it is that is trying to be exposed espiritualy. I guess that every person can interpret it in a different way even though many of the interpretations may have resemblence. Still I believe that each person is free to get whichever message from the text and not the one the church wants us to see. I also believe, though I might be completly wrong, that the New Testament is the part of the book which gives you the most spiritual background while theOld Testament is more of understanding the past and how God had comunicated with people on Earth before Jesus.

One thing about Im kind of glad is the moment in life in which I am reading the bible. I believe i might respect it more now that i am facing a tough moment in my life rather than I the way I would interpret the reading and show respect towards it if I was in a very happy moment in life.

1 comentario:

J. Tangen dijo...

I appreciate your genuinity. We've never discussed it in a class, but there's nothing better than reading genuinity in a text.

Try not to think so much of the Church. Remember the Old Testamente, is also the Herbre Bible and is part of the Koran (in a strange way). I other words many people have found wisdom in its pagaes for various reasons. Perhaps you will as well.

Side note- I too read these texts for understanding. Not only the Bible, but also Gilgamesh and Shakespeare, etc. That's the greatest part of literature!

2 Please proofread your entries.