martes, 16 de octubre de 2007

The begining.. from the bible

We have now been able to look at many different myths and beliefs of how it was that the earth was created and how it was that everything begun. It is said in the bible that god created the earth, all around it, and everything in it in seven days. Each day something new would be made and eventually man was done after the seven days had passed. God, realizing men needed company created animals but soon realized that these weren’t enough company for men so he created the woman. He placed them in a garden and allowed them to eat from all trees except the one of the knowledge of good and bad. Then serpent convinced eve to eat from this tree and eve convinced Adam to eat and so they were each given a punishment. Then Eve gave birth to Cain and Abel and Cain killed his brother. Still more kids are born and so the family begins to grow and it is said that they each live an extraordinarily long life.

What this passage mostly reminded me was of human nature. From the beginning humans have the curiosity to try what they’re not supposed to and they have also felt envy and hatred to a point in which they actually killed ones brother. It is shown that from the beginning we were full of faults but of strengths as well. Today humans still feel such things as hatred, jealousy, curiosity, and superiority. Since the beginning humans have evoluted but some traits will always be kept the same.

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