martes, 16 de octubre de 2007

Noahs Arc

Throughout Genesis 5 through 11 many questions have come up to mind. Some of these were the following:
- How did God choose who were worthy of surviving and who weren’t?
- Why didn’t the animals kill each other, some being predators and others being preys, while they were all in a very small space?
- How did all the animals arrive?
- How was Noah able to leave so many people behind?
- Scientifically, if related people or animals mate, their offspring will have deformities and other problems, how come this didn’t occur?
- The bible says that Noah and his three sons went into the arc while the rest of the humans died, how was it possible to then be more people born if no female was alive?
- Why did god decide he would never repeat the action? Was it really that bad? Now that he accepts evil will always be in humans, will he place other punishments upon us for other reasons?
- Why does the bible keep telling about people living such long lives? Were these ages’ literal or metaphors?
- It tells exactly who was son of whom, but how could this have been controlled?

These are only some of the questions that pop up onto my head as I read and I would really like to find answers to them.

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