martes, 21 de abril de 2009

Our Reaction to the Unknown

While reading the story Cathedral I was constantly thinking about the I way I would personally react to a blind person. It impressed me how the man was at first reacting to the fact that he would have a blind guest. He want happy at all. He was making imprudent comments and he was not being nice or supportive to his wife. However I did like the end of this story. I was glad that the narrator is able to connect with Robert and that he actually tried to explain to him what a cathedral was and how it would look like, "I tried to explain to the blind man what was happening."(p.223) This shows that he is a good person in the inside and at the end he actually kind of experiences the blindness on his own. He takes the time and trouble to give his best explanation of what a cathedral would look like and then they end up drawing it together to give Robert the best idea possible.
I cant imagine what being blind would be like. I guess it would be like this feeling of nothing, you don't see and you don't know what seeing is so you don't crave it. I don't know which is worse, being born blind or becoming blind. I guess that the good thing of never being able to see is that you don't know what you are missing so you don't miss it. On the other side, if you were able to see during some point in your life, well you at least enjoyed it for a while. Plus a person that used to be able to see would probably be able to imagine descriptions much easier since he knows what colors are and how textures look like. He would have bases and guidelines from where to create an image. Still I wonder, how do the people who was originally blind remember moments, or how does a deaf think. I mean one remembers with images and one usually thinks with a voice, but how do these people, who have never experienced either one, do? How do you describe something they have never seen before and is composed of other things he isn't able to see. I guess the only way is to have him experience through their other senses, like touch for example, just like they do in the book.
I wonder how I would react the day that I meet a blind person and I hope to do so in a way that i don't offend the other one because they might not have all their senses working well but that doesn't take away the fact that they are human beings just as any other and one just has to learn to accept them as they are. So I hope that I will always be able to react appropriately when I meet a person with a disability, since I have met some in the past and consider Ive done well. I will hope to enjoy all the good qualities and abilities they have instead of focusing on what they lack.

2 comentarios:

J. Tangen dijo...

And yet you do know what it is like? We'll discuss this story in class today.


J. Tangen dijo...