viernes, 17 de abril de 2009

And The Point Of The Trian is...

The whole story of The Train by Raymond Carver occurs in the train station. At first a woman talks about a murder she almost commits but decides not to and then an old couple arrive and argue until the train arrives. When the train arrives the story ends. I would have probably liked this story better if more background information was included. If we knew the reason why the lady had pointed a gun at a man, if we knew some more information about the couple, then maybe the story would have gotten better. In my opinion the story lacked a point. There was nothing to that story other than a narration of a events that don't really even connect. You can really make a story out of anything, out of any moment, and a good author is that one who can. However, I don't really appreciate this skill yet. When reading a short story such as The Train one cant expect something interesting to happen. There is really no point to that story other than being able to appreciate the authors skills at creating a good mood and writing style. I have been used, throughout my life, to novels, poems, informative papers, essays, any writing in general that has a point. One reads it and feels the author is trying to get a point across to you. They might even just tell you a story but it is one that is meant to entertain you or just make you spend your time on a topic you enjoy. However this story doesn't really make you enjoy what is being told because of the content, but you must instead focus on the style to enjoy it.
Even if it was the best story(in content) ever, without any style, the work sucks. One has to tell the occurrences in a way that the author gets through to the reader. It might not be wanting you to learn or discuss a topic but it does get you to feel a certain mood and each one develops his own voice. It might be a sarcastic one, or it might be a sad one, or as in this case it might be an expectant one (except the story ends abruptly without anything really happening and a wasted suspense), in any case, the reader must connect to the author and appreciate his writing skill and how he might create a story out of the simplest thing.

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