lunes, 20 de abril de 2009

The importance of titles

Vitamins. I guess the title is rather obvious in this case. The story mentions people that work selling vitamins and how this has affected their lives, they have even begun to dream with them at night and feel they cant escape them. However, this doesn't really matter at the moment. What I really wanted to talk about was the importance of titles. Titles are like a first impression. When you meet a new person you usually decide if you want to keep getting to know him or her depending on the first impression that was presented, well with a book its the same thing. One many times decides what to read based upon the title of a book. Its like the famous saying that goes: "don't judge a book by its cover", however one usually does. You make decisions on what you interpret and if you think it will be good and worthwhile. That's why people that write newspaper articles have to be very good at coming up with catchy titles. They need to call their publics' attention to make sure people will want to read their work.
Some titles are very obvious but others require some more analyzing ability. Some are tricky and one really has to think to understand where the title came from. Titles are important for everything. They affect books, articles, poems, movies, songs, ideas, paintings, sculptures, plays, almost anything that you want to get other people to know because the title is a name, it is what everybody will remember that work for. So it is necessary to give the necessary attention to a title and highlight its importance.

1 comentario:

J. Tangen dijo...

Capitalize all words in your titles!

But what about things that are numbered? What does that difference imply?