domingo, 19 de abril de 2009

Who We Are

We have been commenting a lot this semester the free will vs destiny topic. If you pay close attention to each book or story, one can often find how the authors include this question in their writing. Some suggest that there is only free will, that each person has the power to choose what will come based on their actions, others say that we are predestined, that no matter what we do it was always going to be that way because one has a fate to follow, and others just question the topic or give ideas for both so that the reader is left thinking about it. In the short story Chef�s, House by Raymond Carver, one of the main characters says: "We were born who we are" p33. In my opinion he is suggesting that our life is somehow predestined. That we become who we are due to our past, because every experience, feeling and situation we live affects who we become and who we are. There is also another interpretation, one can also infer that he is saying that even when you were born you already had a future in front of you and everything you did was going to lead you to who you become. So you were born with a life ahead and you cant go supposing what would have happened if you were somebody else or if you would have made another choice because that isn't the case, you were born, and you made the decision. So you were really born not knowing what you were about to do, but the truth is you were always going to make that decision, you were always going to look that way, you were always going to think in that way, you were always going to suffer and enjoy in that amount. So really since you were born, you were somehow destined to act in a way and become that specif person you are.

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