miércoles, 23 de enero de 2008

Honorable fights

When I look at the way fights are described throughout the book I really support my original ideas of saying how the way in which men used to fight in battles is a lot more honoring and respectable than the one we currently handle. Before you actually had to be a good fighter and be skilled at what you did because soldiers fought with weapons that would only hurt the other if he is really close and can attack back. The fights are also more personal since one can actually se and face his opponent and struggle to keep one’s life. Today, however, staying alive during combat is pure luck and even though I really appreciate the work of those who fight for me, I really consider that this way of fighting is for cowards because one can’t even see the opponent and when shooting one is lucky enough to find cover and actually shoot at the target. This fighting doesn’t depend on skill, since not many men have problems with pulling the trigger. This is why I preferred to have people fight in the old ways because a good fighter was really a good fighter that could protect himself and attack with technique, practice, and ability.

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