lunes, 23 de marzo de 2009


One can see how a parent and a child have a strong bond. How love will take moms and dads to die for their child and don't really mind the sacrifice they are going through, as long as their child lives. This has always been a matter of love and loyalty but, now, looking at the human nature, this "unselfish" act can be totally opposite, a selfish act. How can it be selfish? Well, humans want to get passed on, and relatives are the best example of similarity in genes because the go from one generation to the other. So a mom wants a child so this one, at its time can reproduce and pass on the genes from the mom to another baby and then this one will grow and reproduce and pass on the genes and so forth and therefore the gene is preserved from one generation to another, the gene never dies. So the mom sacrifices herself so that the genes she passed on are not wasted and because they might not have a life - including reproduction- ahead of them and the baby does. This is why when a relative is dying of old age, it is more acceptable in a way and an altruistic behavior is less expected. However, when the case includes a child that has a long life ahead, parents are commonly altruists. So kin selection works even naturally because the truth is that all examples of child protection and parental care are helping it. All the body organs get involved, milk secreting glands, kangaroo pouches, and so on, are examples of the working in nature of the kin-selection principle. So parental care is in effect altruistic but it is as well selfish. We, as humans, just cant avoid out selfish gene.

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