domingo, 15 de marzo de 2009


So, we have evolved because mistakes happen. So maybe mistakes aren't so bad after all. Many people say to learn from your mistakes and apparently even non thinking molecules apply this advice. With time each tiny cell, each small molecule learned from the mistake of the first replicator and applied the replication it itself. This way, new kinds of molecules were being produced and each time they got more and more complex. During the replication, mistakes could occur and each mistake lead that molecule to either a better life or a worse one. If it lead it to a better one, then when it replicated itself, this new characteristic would also be transmitted and therefore passed on. If the mistake didn't help, well the molecule most probably didn't survive, or was to weak to replicate itself and therefore wasn't able to pass its traits on. And so we evolved thanks to this replication and to the increasing of complexity through out time.
Three aspects that were a great influence on each individuals survival were longevity, fecundity, and copying fidelity. These are really important because it helps establish which group survives and goes on living in next generations. Since competition is currently occurring, to have long lives, helps increase of survival, so does reproducing constantly and having good newborns because if they all change then there is no basic thing to transmit plus to many negative mistakes might occur. For competition, having a good "survival machine" also helps a lot because it increases your chances of survival. Today, we, humans, are the survival machines of thousands of cells, some very old ones, some relatively new but we are still their survival machine and it is us what keeps them alive and existing.

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