martes, 4 de diciembre de 2007

Nov 27

While reading this book I would constantly think about my father and even though it gets me really sad to think that he’s dead and that I will never be able to be with him again, I do find comfort in the fact that he didn’t suffer before he died. My dad died doing something he really enjoyed and in a place that he loved. He also experienced a quick death through the one he probably didn’t even understand what was going on. And when he died, he had all of the people who he ever cared for, and ever cared about him to mourn over him and express the grief that his departure caused. During the holocaust instead, Elie Wiesel, was currently in fear of loosing his life and he did suffer a lot before dying. He experienced starvation and his mind was really mocked. He would also wake up every day wondering if he would be killed right away and even though he was with his father, and they showed how much they cared about each other, they were never able to share truly happy moments or have a bonding relationship. When his father died, he did after suffering for a long time and it could be said that the short life we live should be a happy one instead of one with a lot of suffering. And when he died nobody other than his son was able to grieve for him. Anyway, even though my dads is dead I could say that the short life he had was one really worth while and it was filled of happy moments that were shared with people he loved. The holocaust gets me mad because it took away the opportunity of many other people to enjoy their life’s and they instead had to suffer a lot for a stupid reason. So they got punishments they never deserved, but I guess life’s really just not fair.

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