martes, 4 de diciembre de 2007

Nov 26

This book makes me literally sad because of the way people were treated and how they suffered. It made me realize all the stupidities humans get to do even when its about ethnicity, a topic we should have already gotten through, but no. Even today there are gangs such as Ku Klux clan and others that discriminate people because they have different beliefs, or physical properties. It is said that the reason for which we study history is to learn from it since it repeats itself and that way we would be able to control it to only have the positive aspects repeat but humans have constantly proven their flaws, and we have not yet learned from our mistakes.
It is also hard to believe that there are currently places in which people find themselves under very harsh conditions. As in Africa for example, kids die every day from starvation, or kids are forced to work under conditions that are just unhealthy. There are also many problems like guerrilla in which people have to live under conditions that nobody deserves. Around the world there are a lot of “desplazados” and there is too much poverty and I personally sometimes feel bad for what I have because even though I enjoy it, there are many things that I really don’t depend on or need while others do. I just hope that we will start learning from our mistakes and hope for nothing similar to the holocaust to ever occur again and even though this might sound really cheap, I really wish that all the current problems of the world would disappear and we would be able to live in utopia... our perfect world.

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