jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2007

Pygmalion, Dryope, and Venus

These three stories are actually not very similar. This time, I would like to right a summary of each and give a short opinion about it.
Pygmalion is the story of a man that blamed too much suffering on women and thus decided he would never marry. Still, being a sculptor, he created a beautiful ivory statue of a woman. He soon fell in love with the statue and treated it as a real woman. Then, on the festival of Venus, Pygmalion asked her to make her statue become alive, and she conceived him his wish. She let herself take form as the statues and from the unification of Venus and Pygmalion, Paphos, their son was born.
I believe that this story shows how many times we end up loving what we originally hated or vise versa. There is a saying in Spanish that goes as following, “Del odio al amor hay solo un paso” this shows that many times we end up loving things that were never expected to be loved. Just like Pygmalion hated women and eventually fell in love with his own creation.

Dryope is the story of a woman that went with her child and sister to the river banks. When she went she ripped of some flowers to give to her baby but she soon realized that the flowers she had ripped belonged to the nymph Lotis. This one outraged punished Dryope by making her become a plant as well. When Dryopes husband and father found out what had occurred, they begun to kiss that had once been Dryope and she gave her last words before becoming completely stiff. She asked for her kid to receive good care, she claimed herself innocent and asked her father, husband and sister to never forget her.
Even though this is not very realistic, I believe this myth was created to explain where it was that trees came from and why they were formed.

Venus and Adonis is a myth that explains the creation of the wind flower. It is about Venus and her lover Adonis. Even though Venus warns Adonis about the dangerous creature in the wild, Adonis decides to ignore her advice and gats himself attacked by a beast and killed. Since Venus was just leaving Adonis when this occurred, she was able to rapidly go back to him and discover what had occurred. From the body of Adonis, Venus created the wind flowers that would “consol but not envy Venus”.
This story shows that many times humans ignore advice for one reason or the other but at the end, the same conclusion can be expressed, there are reasons for which why the people actually give the advice. Many time humans are too proud to accept comments and follow advice that people with knowledge or experience have given. It is also many times ignored by rebels that don’t mind about other people’s attention that the consequences really are taken to discuss

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