domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2007

Cadmus, the Myrmidons and Apollo and Hyacinthus

These three myths are very different. They each have what I consider a different message to transmit. Apollo and Hyacinthus is about the preferences the god Apollo had towards Hyacinthus and how he accidentally killed him one day. In his honor Apollo created a flower silver and purple, more beautiful than any other, and this one revives every spring making sure Hyacinthhs’s memory is not forgotten. So this Myth explains how this flower was created and what it purpose was but it also shows that Apollo’s favoritism towards Hyacinthus lead him to his death since he, being a god, should not show favoritism toward anybody.
Cadmus however is a very different style of myth. This one shows how a grate serpent of great importance to the gods was killed by Cadmus after the serpent had killed most, or all, of Cadmus’s soldiers. After Cadmus sleights the serpent, he forms a family and founds a city, but the gods never stop haunting him for having killed the serpent so he offers to become a serpent himself. The gods accept his offer, and his wife not wanting to stay alone, chooses the same fate. My interpretation of the message of this myth is that it reminds you that your past can’t be forgiven and that it will affect your future.
And the myth of the myrmidons is of their creation. It explains how after a terrible disease kills the whole city of Aegina, this was a course sent by Juno but no offering or preach is capable of make her stop. Everyone dies except the king and his family and so Aeacus, the king, asks Juno to either take him as well, as she did with his entire city, or give him people to begin a new city once more. Juno decides to give him some soldiers that kill each other until five are left and these help Aeacus build a new city and calls them myrmidons, inspired by the ant colony from which Aeacus had gotten his idea to ask for people. The inner message of this story I would say is hope because Aeacus always waited for his city to recover and when it didn’t, he still looked for a new solution. He always hoped for Juno’s forgiveness and he eventually did receive what he waited so long for.

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