lunes, 20 de agosto de 2007

Good and Evil

In books you can usually find a good guy and a bad guy, but in life how do you know who the good and who the bad guy is? It also occurs that the good guy usually wins, but facing the complications stated before, how do you know who deserves to win, and how can you confirm that the "good guy" will win? If we were to assume that each person in this world is living a book, then each person will be the main character, have conflicts and should have a resolution; but it doesn't always occur that way so how do we find out who is worthy of being called good or bad? We all still have a different perspective of life, and with this we obtain an individual perspective of everything that surrounds us, including people and actions, this is why no one will ever be able to know if he is good or bad.
In Gilgamesh we have already been introduced to several characters, but as in life, all we can do is predict what they will do, but we don't know yet if they will turn out "good" or "bad".

2 comentarios:

J. Tangen dijo...

Your entries are focused, which is interesting. However they need to be more developed and you need to quote from the text.


Alex Carmona dijo...

I like how you compared a human's life with one of a book's main character. I agree when you say that life blinds from good and evil, not allowing to see what type of person you are.