lunes, 27 de agosto de 2007

Fear to death

Humans have always feared death, but gods, who are immortal don’t have to worry about it. Gilgamesh being two parts god and one part human did have to worry about his death and after experiencing Enkidus death, Gilgamesh finally realized what a terrible fait he was facing. Scared of his death Gilgamesh set out in another adventure but now he was finding a way to avoid death. To all the people he met he told why he was there, about Enkidus terrible fait and most of all his fear for death, “I roam the wilderness because I fear, Enkidu, the companion, whom I loved, is dirt, the companion Enkidu is clay. Must I die to? Must Gilgamesh be like that?” (pg. 60) still at the end the old man tells him what is most important of all, “the day of death is set, though not made known.” (pg. 64) All humans must die and just like Gilgamesh, many fear death and try to find ways to get away from it, but at the end we all accept the fact that the old man said.

2 comentarios:

J. Tangen dijo...

I like the dream and death blogs (the two I just read). Again, focusing an entire entry on one idea is good, but why not develop the ideas within the ideas more. You only go so far to stop.



J. Tangen dijo...

Understood. This will be changed to