lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2007


Everything we see, read, do, or experience we can use for personal gain. We decide how much we want to understand about something and how we want to interpret it. In this book I can already tell that there are many things that I will be learning and i will probaly even get some quotes out of itand everything. The topics that these men are discussing really atract my interest and they show opinions about life that i plan to take into consideration because these are very rich in emotional and logical meaning. I hope that when we finish reading this I have better perspective of life and how i should live it and i hope to get t be better person who lives a good life.

Throughout the little section we read, the question that was bothering me the whole time was "who are these people". I mean, it talks about a master, about Zingzong, about Zixia, about Duke Ding, and i just wonder who all these people are. Are they supposed to be people of our society? if they are what do they dedicate their lives to? what are there interests? is this a conversation that they like have when they are bored? or is it made any day because its just common? or do they like make an appointment and unite to talk about this? I dont know i just feel like the topic being expressed in th ebook is very good one but i would like to have a bit more of bckground information because i am currently lost at what it is that is going on.

martes, 6 de noviembre de 2007

Happy endings

Since we are born we are influenced from all around us to look for our "happy ending". We read fairy tales and we just hope to have alife as perfect as theirs. But life isnt always that way. We have parts in life in which we suffer a lot but there are others that we enjoy. the "happy ending" in books was just a new beggining and in life you cant just close the book and leave it there in one of your greatest times. you have to continue goin even if you want to or not. In this part of Job, Job is finally given his "happy ending". God and Satan stop fighting and torturing him and he is given his happiness, family and possesions back. Here the story also ends with a happy ending. Even though the bible does show a harder problem through which Job fought, the telling of Job end when he is happy. This proves that just like any other fary tale, the main purpose of the bible is to give hohpe. Even though it is sometimes contradictory and it makes you doubt, it will always indirectly affect you in a way in which stories end when they are happy to leave a positive image in mind. NO matter how bad the life of a man is, you will always remember was left at last to impress you, and this might make you believe he was happy even though it was longer the time through which he was unhappy. It also shows indirectly that if you are able to manage confusion, questions, anger, and pressure then you will be benefited by it and even if it wasnt meant to say that, the church will use it in mass in a way that expresses to the public what benefits the church and just the church.
So we will always look four our "happily ever after" and we like looking for it because its something to look forward to and we might end lucky as Job, we can have our happiness returned, our family and our friends there to support you, and your possesions to live comfortable life.

jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2007

Same thoughts

From a long time ago people discuss how death is and what it is that will come after death. they also discuss how life should be and how that affects your death. People continue to ask these questions every day and the thing that makes us fear death is exactly that, the unknown. If we knw what was coming we would be able to prepare for it and fear it no more but since we dont know what it is that will happen, we fear it. We wonder how it will feel and where we will go after we die, we wonder if we will go to a new place, we wonder if we will continue to think and have a mind, we wonder if that is just the end of it and nothing comes after, we wonder if we will see other dead people and we can join them, we wonder if we go to a better place and start a new life,. We wonder many things and when we find them out there will be no more time to tell the rest what happens and if they should be scare or if they should look forward. Still our questions and curiosity will always be there since it is human nature to want to know about these things. I also think that our lack of knowledge of what will follow death is a way for god to control us, people use heaven and earth as a way to try ro make peoplpe good. But who decided what was good and what was bad, and how can people promise a heaven and an earth if they dont even know what comes afterward? Anyway, we fear the unknown and believe things that cant be facts because we want to believe and want to think well go to heaven, still why dont we fear tomorrow? we can die any day and we dont know what comes next but still death is what frightens us. And it will keep being like that. People have wondered for thousands of years, people are currently wondering, and people will continue to wonder.